
Learning more about Neurodiversity and/or Madness can be a daunting task. Learning how to navigate the Neurotypical and sanist structures can prove even harder. This is why NeuroTales has built a resource page! This page holds a rolling list of resources to aid both members within our group and any curious visitor who finds our site. Whether you are looking for literature, events for Neurodivergent/Mad folk, or tools for self-advocacy, this page has you covered. If you are looking for a broader overview of Neurodiversity and/or Madness, feel free to visit our “What’s Neurodiversity and Madness?” page.

Resources from Drea and The Great Canadian Theatre Company

A huge thanks to GCTC’s Access Coordinator Drea. Drea has put together a rolling resource google doc for NeuroTales and has graciously given us permission to share it here. In addition to the resources we’ve curated below, this google doc has a plethora of options to explore. We highly recommend taking a look. You can access the google doc by using the button below!

Reading List

“This is a rolling list of writings about Neurodiversity, Madness, and (Dis)ability I’ve put together for your reading. This is by no means a comprehensive list, but rather an assortment of pieces that I have personally found useful, and hope you do too.” – Cortland Nesley

Autism and Neurodiversity

Don’t Mourn for Us By Jim Sinclair

The Future (and the Past) of Autism Advocacy, Or Why the ASA's Magazine, The Advocate, Wouldn't Publish This Piece By Ari Ne'eman

Clinically Significant Disturbance: On Theorists Who Theorize Theory of Mind By Melanie Yergeau

Quiet Hands By Julia Bascom

The Neurodiversity Movements Needs Its Shoes Off, and Fists Up By Lydia X.Z Brown

Autism, Inc.: The Autism Industrial Complex By Alicia A. Broderick and Robin Roscigno

Social Models of (Dis)ability and Disability Justice

Why I Dislike Person First Language By Jim Sinclair

Throw Away the Master’s Tools: Liberating Ourselves from the Pathology Paradigm By Nick Walker

I’m Not Your Inspiration, Thank You Very Much By Stella Young

Access Intimacy: The Missing Link By Mia Mingus

Access Intimacy, Interdependence and Disability Justice By Mia Mingus

Moving Toward the Ugly: A Politic Beyond Desirability By Mia Mingus

Critical Disability Theory

Critical Disability Theory Overview By Melinda C. Hall

Enabling Whom? Critical Disability Studies Now By Julie Avril Minich

Critical Disability Studies as Methodology By Sami Schalk

Identity Politics and Disability Studies: A Critique of Recent Theory By Anna Mollow

We Exist Because They Exist By Devi Mucina

Mad Studies

The Ex-Patients’ Movement: Where We’ve Been and Where We’re Going By Judi Chamberlin

Confessions of a Non-Compliant Patient By Judi Chamberlin

Mad Feminism By Anna Mollow

Mad Studies: Maddening Social Work By Dr. Brenda LeFrancois (Video)

Mad Matters Edited By Robert J. Menzies, Geoffrey Reaume, Brenda A. LeFrançois (Available for purchase)

History of Madness By Michel Foucault (Available for purchase)

Race and the Psy-Complex

Stigma, Racism and Power By Suman Fernando

Roots of Racism in Western Psychiatry By Suman Fernando

Mad People Of Color – A Manifesto By Rachel Gorman, Annu Saini, Louise Tam, Onyinyechukwu Udegbe & Onar Usar

Mad but not Crazy: On “Suicide” and the “Psy Complex” By Louise Tam

Quagmires of Affect: Madness, Labor, Whiteness, and Ideological Disavowal By Rachel Gorman

Eugenics and Ableism

Unwanted Sterilization and Eugenics Programs in the United States By Lisa Ko

Prenatal Diagnosis and Selective Abortion: A Challenge to Practice and Policy By Adrienne Asch

Why I Haven’t Changed My Mind About Prenatal Diagnosis: Reflections and Refinements By Adrienne Asch

Death without Dignity: The Dangers of Assisted Suicide By Lydia Brown

Crip Theory

Cripping Neoliberal Fururity: Marking the Elsewhere and Elsewhen of Desiring Otherwise By Kelly Fritsch

Exploring Ableism and Cisnormativity in the Conceptualization of Identity and Sexuality “Disorders” By Alexandre Baril and Kathryn Trevenen

Crip Theory: Cultural Signs of Queerness and Disability By Robert McRuer (Available for Purchase)